The newest instalment in the Nick and Tesla science mysteries series, where young people learn to use their scientific and electronics knowledge to solve mysteries around them.
Only a week or so has passed in the Nick and Tesla story arc, so as you might expect, things havent changed much from the last book. In the newest instalment to be published, Nick and Teslas Super-Cyborg Gadget Glove: A Mystery with a Blinking, Beeping, Voice-Recording Gadget Glove You Can Build Yourself by Bob Pflugfelder and Steve Hockensmith [Quirk Books, 2014; Guardian Bookshop; Amazon UK hardcover/kindle; Amazon US hardcover/kindle], its still summer, the Holt twins, Nick and Tesla, are still 11 years old and their parents are still inexplicably missing, and so the twins are still spending their summer holidays with their nutty Uncle Newt in California. Except, in this, the fourth book in the Nick and Tesla series, we are beginning to gain a deeper understanding of Uncle Newt, and of the twins two neighbourhood friends, DeMarco and Silas, and even of Nick and Telsa.
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